Dolphin middle east

Better Air


Abdullah Bin Dalmook

Abdullah Bin Dalmook


University of Dubai

University of Dubai


Yaprak Anadol

Yaprak Anadol

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 13. Climate Action 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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We are Dolphin Investment Middle East. We believe in investing time, money and effort into building sustainable solutions to make the world a better place.


Gross wastage of resources and unsustainable practices by populations across the world led the founders of Dolphin Investment Middle East to contemplate on investing in sustainable strategies that would extend life on the planet while taking care of the environment, such as Dolphin Tail Energy Solutions, a key line of business that looks at renewable sources of energy, Airity, unique Dutch technology to combat air pollution, as well as developing Voltaq Graphene Battery, the world’s first high-capacity Graphene battery. These solutions involve experts and engineers who dedicate their acumen to brilliant solutions that address current problems impacting the globe.

In the era of a pandemic, environments completely free of germs and viruses are the norm today. Therefore, sterilization and sanitization of surfaces in which we live and work and the air we breathe, assume paramount importance. With a vision to provide such an environment to make the consumers’ life easy, Amexos Solutions has conceptualised, designed and developed sterilizing machines that protect and safeguard living spaces and surfaces by sterilizing the air using faster and effective technology. Products by Amexos Solutions are presently used in more than 20 countries worldwide.

Whether it is the Covibuster, Virotube or Virobox, Amexos develops sterilizing machines that are innovative and offer faster sterilization harnessing UV-C radiation which is the most efficient method available in the market today. These are products with minimal physical contact that bring in effective air sterilisation for corporate and home environments. These devices are particularly effective in eliminating harmful viruses, such as the Coronavirus, other bacteria, fungi and even algae. It guarantees a contact-less, swift and efficient sterilizing operation. Specifically designed for indoor environments, Amexos products are apt for both living and working spaces.

Better Air


The innovation for sustainable air circulation machines emerged as a response to the growing awareness of environmental issues. During the COVID outbreak it was an opportunity to go ahead and start a newly equipped machine. Dolphin began integrating eco-friendly technologies, such as energy-efficient ventilation systems and renewable energy sources, to reduce the city’s carbon footprint and promote sustainability in air management practices.

Overall impact

The innovation in sustainable air circulation machines originated as a proactive response to the escalating awareness of environmental concerns, particularly during the COVID-19 outbreak. This period served as an opportune moment to introduce advanced air circulation technologies. Dolphin, a key player in this initiative, took the lead in incorporating eco-friendly features like energy-efficient ventilation systems and harnessing renewable energy sources. This concerted effort aimed to mitigate the city's carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices in air management.

The genesis of this innovative approach involved a collaborative effort between a UAE businessman and a Dutch engineer. Together, they forged a partnership dedicated to crafting air circulation equipment that would foster a fresher and healthier environment, whether it be in offices or homes.

In the short term, the integration of sustainable air circulation practices incurred initial costs for businesses as they invested in these eco-friendly technologies. However, this investment often translated into improved energy efficiency, reduced operational costs, and a positive public image. These benefits, in turn, positioned businesses to attract environmentally conscious consumers. Looking to the long term, the widespread adoption of sustainable air circulation practices not only contributed to a diminished overall environmental impact but also yielded continued cost savings for businesses. This strategic move further provided a competitive advantage in a market increasingly prioritizing sustainability. The enduring effects extended beyond economic gains, encompassing significant environmental benefits such as decreased energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Business benefit

Dolphin Middle East believes in the creation of innovation for a purpose – to serve humanity. Our projects are dedicated to such a vision, be it in propagating renewable sources of energy without harming the environment, lending an effective hand in combating the spread of virus, increasing security in the world, preventing air pollution, safeguarding transport and shipping. We envision a stable world through innovation at the core of our efforts.

An emphasis on innovation, an overarching aim for sustainability and stability within the world. With passion towards sustainability and teamwork that works towards these goals with integrity, we approach the problems of the world with a keen, fresh view and an objective to innovate in everything we do.

Social and environmental benefit

Creating a sustainable society where everyone can live and breathe clean air with no toxins or virus/bacteria.

Healthier and reduce footprint and pollution. Promoting a healthy lifestyle in the UAE and saving earth.


Ahmed Zahran, Companies UAE's representative

Business information

Dolphin middle east

Dolphin middle east

Dubai, Dubai, AE
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2021
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Dolphin seeks to create a better environment for Homes/Offices, reduce carbon foot-print, and promote sustainability in air management practices.