
Best of Broadridge

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Tyler Gerbavsits

Tyler Gerbavsits

Nicola Fuduli

Nicola Fuduli


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Broadridge is a global fintech leader with more than $6 billion in revenues. They provide the critical infrastructure that powers investing, corporate governance and communications to enable better financial lives. They are solving the UN SDG goals including gender equality, decent work and economic growth, responsible production, and reduced inequality.


Broadridge has a specific solution to create a positive impact on the world and for the UN sustainable development goals. “Companies are making corporate responsibility initiatives part of their business strategy as more retail and institutional investors raise ESG concerns and seek the long-term performance advantages and benefits of ESG-focused businesses,” said Dorothy Flynn, President of Corporate Issuer Solutions at Broadridge. Broadridge had launched an ESG advisory service in 2021 which is a major part of their solution. This advisory service has focused on gender equality, decent work and economic growth, responsible production, and reduced inequality.

Gender equality and reduced inequality have been a major success in Broadridge’s daily success. For example, Broadridge recognizes that delivering exceptional service and value to their clients and stakeholders is very important. Broadridge invests in the culture of the company to fortify associates of all backgrounds, experiences, and identities. This allows the employees to bring their highest potential to their job and the company. Matt Giamo in our interview stated that this brings attention to Broadridge’s Service-Profit Chain. This means Broadridge is showing its associates are engaged in the office. Diving deeper into gender equality, we see that Broadridge has created a Women’s Leadership program in order to mentor and allow everyone to reach their potential and success. Finally, Broadridge has focused on responsible production. Broadridge is moving more towards digital documents in order to conserve the use of paper. Overall, these are the innovative solutions Broadridge is incorporating in their everyday work force.

Best of Broadridge


The inspiration behind Broadridge's sustainability efforts and positive work is known as the Service-Profit Chain. According to Matt Giamo, “this commitment to sustainability is a core value driving our dedication to service. We believe there is a direct connection between employee engagement, client satisfaction and the creation of shareholder value-a concept known as the Service-Profit Chain”. The inspiration is very clear, this company wants to satisfy everybody not only for the betterment of the company, but also to the extent of wanting to create a more positive environment. Two quotes really show the mindset behind this inspiration. Chief Diversity Officer Naadia Burrows said, “we commit to intentionally maintain an equitable and inclusive environment and culture in which every associate feels connected to our organization. Broadridge also works diligently and collaboratively to ensure Broadridge is a company and ultimately a community that recognizes and celebrates diversity in all its dimensions.” As you can see, the inspiration is clear as day and is truly a positive look towards the future of Broadridge.

Overall impact

Broadridge has undergone transformational innovation with a focus on client-centric solutions and sustainability. In the short term, the company’s commitment to constant innovation has resulted in enhanced client support and positive feedback from shareholders. Broadridge has streamlined processes, providing evidence through increased efficiency and agility in financial services.

Over the long term, The integration of sustainability into its core values has positioned Broadridge as a socially and environmentally friendly corporate entity, with positive impacts on employee engagement, client satisfaction, and shareholder value. The adoption of responsible environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices has likely contributed to the company’s sustained success and resilience in this evolving market. Evidence of long-term effects may be seen in client testimonials, increased client retention rates, and positive shifts in employee morale and productivity.

Through driving digitization and reducing paper usage in the services provided to clients, Broadridge has made its mark by contributing measurable reduction to its environmental footprint. Over time, these environmentally conscious practices contribute to a positive narrative of corporate responsibility attracting environmentally conscious clients and investors. The alignment of economic growth opportunities with environmental networks not only reflects a forward thinking outlook to the company's future but also positions Broadridge as a leader in fostering positive change and digital transformation within the financial services industry.

Business benefit

Broadridge is a global Fintech leader, which has demonstrated a commitment to innovation and client collaboration, and positioned itself as a critical player in the financial services sector. By working closely with clients to develop custom ad integrated solutions, Brodridge has successfully transformed and enhanced the shareholder experience through engaging in digital innovation. This dedication to service aligns with the company's core value of sustainability and client satisfaction.

Broadridge’s proactive stance on sustainability extends beyond internal policies to community initiatives, reinforcing their belief in contributing to the greater good. Broadridge’s commitment to responsible Environmental, Social, and Governance practices is evident in their focus on driving digitization and reducing paper usage, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions. This not only aligns with their mission to provide better financial lives but also positions them as a socially responsible entity. By leveraging their services to benefit the environment and at the same time pursuing economic growth opportunities in harmony with environmental stewardship, Broadridge exemplifies a forward-thinking approach to business.

Social and environmental benefit

Building up Broadridge's workforce is benefitting society. The associates at Broadridge are provided with workshops and tools to better their production and work ethic. The use of these initiatives will in sense improve growth in the economy and the communities Broadridge shares. The creation of these programs has lowered the inequality in gender and also race. The use of these programs is creating a better working environment and is building the company up to a better work life which will create better results in the companies revenue and lifestyle. We also see Broadridge moving more towards digitalization which will greatly benefit the environment.


Matt Giamo, Product Analyst

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Broadridge provides investor communications and technology-driven solutions to banks, broker-dealers, asset and wealth managers, public companies, investors and mutual funds. Broadridge is integrating ESG into a sustainable business strategy by lowering their ecological footprint, fostering a safe and diverse work environment and ensuring strong governance to achieve all of their ESG goals.