The Truth Beauty Company

Beauty Of The Future


Margaryta Chabanenko

Margaryta Chabanenko


University of Guelph

University of Guelph


Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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The Truth Beauty Company is aiming to revolutionize beauty products and their production. The products are strictly made with non-toxic ingredients and are packaged in a biodegradable and recycled material. The Truth Beauty Company is determined to solve personal issues such as skin complexity, drug sensitivity, and desire for a healthier lifestyle. Meanwhile aiming to produce larger social solutions such as the elimination of toxic chemicals in our environment, increase of job opportunities, and building healthier habits overall.


All of the products, ranging from skin care, cosmetics, bath and hair for both men and women, are created with strictly natural ingredients, no toxins, and environmentally friendly packaging. The Truth Beauty Company is more than just a beauty store that helps people maintain their skin and hair in excellent condition. The company looks out for their customers, their wellbeing, and the general environment. Products are made using clean and sustainable energy, legal labor, and natural products. Furthermore, The Truth Beauty Company involves the local market by representing small local businesses. It returns to the economy by doing so, as well builds a stronger local connection and branding amongst producers and consumers.

Beauty Of The Future


Jennifer Freitas was inspired to start up The Truth Beauty Company by a lack of natural skin care and cosmetic products. Jennifer started to change her personal habits after conducting a great deal of research on the chemicals that are currently being added to our food and personal products. She began to change her way of living and becomes a vegetarian. At the same time, she strived to create a healthier environment for herself and the ones who she surrounds.

Jennifer became motivated to start up her first business, The Truth Beauty Company, after realizing the severe lack of healthy cosmetics. She decided to create a company that involves local businesses while also providing her consumers with a healthy alternative to skin, body, and hair products.

Overall impact

Jennifer and her innovation have contributed significantly and influenced both her own business and the community. Regarding external impacts, her innovation changed the consumers’ perception of beauty products. As one of the initiators of clean beauty movement, Jennifer raised awareness against the unknown threat of traditional branded beauty products that use many chemicals.

“To source Canadian ingredient so again our environment can benefit in that way,” Jennifer says. Using eco-friendly based products also implies that production and consumption are mainly local products. By doing this, not only the production expense can be saved in terms of shipping fees and exchange rate but also can motivate local economy by providing more job opportunities and stimulate cash flow within the country instead of outflow to other countries.

Apart from external influences, the innovation of The Truth Beauty Company paves the way for business success. The promotion of consuming natural and local ingredients is of interest to consumers which allows for the company to become more publicly recognized. The best evidence to prove Jennifer’s success is the opening up of the Guelph branch after the first shop in Waterloo.

Business benefit

It presents consumers a great selection of non-toxic beauty products currently trending that are also gathered from the best sources, mostly from local markets. “Not only for the quality, but also cheaper in shipping them.” Consuming local materials helps the company reduce transportation cost, which limits additional pollution. Furthermore, the reduction of production expenses facilitates a better revenue generation. “People like the idea of local, that’s why they like to shop here.” The idea of using local ingredients also serve as “gimmick” to draw customers’ attention and interest towards the products.

The Truth Beauty Company also puts forward its innovation into product packaging: using paper to wrap soaps. This benefits the business by creating a unique product packaging while also reducing waste.

Social and environmental benefit

Jennifer's innovation has greatly benefited the society in various ways. It promotes good health and well-being through beauty products. “In short term, skin condition improves after consuming clean beauty products,” Jennifer explains, “body condition changes as being away from chemicals which may lead to certain illness”. Taking another step closer to chemical-free personal care products allows Jennifer to push more towards an improved lifestyle approach. Jennifer also emphasizes “there is a huge shift of awareness”. With the contribution of the prevailing trend and innovation, the society is becoming more aware of the dramatic differences between clean beauty product and commercial ones. Apart from beauty products, other markets, such as fragrance companies, are also looking for organic products instead of artificial chemicals.

The clean beauty movement significantly benefits the environment. As mentioned above, using recyclable packaging for the products assists with the reduction of waste and saves energy. Jennifer's innovation is achieving the goal of clean water and sanitation. Since the products are free from artificial chemicals, it helps minimize water pollution during the production process. By sourcing natural ingredient, the production waste would be excluded from being harmful. There are no ingredients used in the production that may pose a threat to the wildlife surrounding.


Jennifer Freitas, Owner and Holistic Beauty Consultant

Business information

The Truth Beauty Company

The Truth Beauty Company

Guelph, ON, CA
Year Founded: 2010
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

The Truth Beauty Company is a natural beauty store. It supports a healthier lifestyle choice when it comes to cosmetics and body products. It uses the finest and healthiest ingredients to create skin, body, and hair products. The Truth Beauty Company supports a toxic-free lifestyle, as well as being environmentally responsible with each product they sell.