
Be the Change You Want to Be




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Apurva Negi

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Manya Sethi

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Navdeep Pabla

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Goa Institute of Management

Goa Institute of Management


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Global Goals

6. Clean Water and Sanitation 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

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Brushflicks will be the biggest hub for generating employment opportunities for creative sector and a pioneer in waste management strategies. One of the hardest part of starting a new business is getting it off the ground, raising startup funds, learning the ropes and finding those few customers. Farheen is willing to take up both the above challenges learn as much possible in the process in order to be more flexible to finally become a successful entrepreneur.


India as we know, is a immensely rich in diverse forms of creativity. Yet the irony is millions of people in creative fields have difficulty in making their ends meet. Only a fraction of the country’s artists have made a living out of their vocation. Creativity is widely regarded as a valuable skill in the workplace. But in Farheen's observation most self described creative people have trouble finding jobs that satisfy their creative needs and also pay their living wages. Millions of artists, musicians, writers and actors are unemployed and unemployment takes a tough mental toll leading to depression and suicide. Brushflicks looks at solving this problem by generating opportunities and employment for people in this sector.

Also, there is a need to connect the folk artist in the remote areas through digital technology and preserve the heritage. Along with that Empowering the traditional protagonists to prosper and attract youth of our generation to continue the legacy is also a vision to be fulfilled.

Brushflicks came up with an initiative that was solving another major problem in our country which is the acrylic waste that survives in the environment for more than 3000 plus years. They convert this into beautiful acrylic items with IOT integrated technology and sell them to earn profits as well as benefit the environment.

Be the Change You Want to Be


Being an art lover ever since she was a kid, Farheen can probably equally say that ‘I live art’. She spent most of her life working with art, and communicating with artists. She got this idea in second year of engineering (2013). Later in 2014, she presented the same in a pacers start-up challenge organised by the Padre Conceicao College of engineering in which she received the first place. Secondly, getting into the top 20 in Kaun Banega Udyogpati (KBU) organised by CIBA, boosted her confidence. After conducting a lot of surveys in 2016, she started building her prototype.

In her conversation with artists, she realised the need for this platform. With her experience, she felt technology could play a key role in enhancing lives of people engaged in creative fields with the penetration of Internet. Those beginners (artists) in the field have a hard time not only enhancing their skills but also suffer at the hands of low job prospects in the area. Brushflicks provides innovative ways of using technology and Internet for creative purpose by
(a) Encouraging skill development and connecting the learners with the expert in the field
(b) By connecting creative people to the right industries and buyers.

Also being an environmentalist she wanted to do something creative with the plastic waste .

Overall impact

Brushflicks is a solution providers for two major problems in India: unemployment among the creative sector and acrylic waste management.

The main idea behind this innovation is to infuse creativity with technology and solve some major problems in our country.

India as we know, is a immensely rich in diverse forms of creativity. Yet the irony is millions of people in creative fields have difficulty in making their ends meet. Only a fraction of the country's artists have made a living out of their vocation. She said, "Creativity is widely regarded as a valuable skill in the workplace. But in my observation most self described creative people have trouble finding jobs that satisfy their creative needs and also pay their living wage. Millions of artists, musicians, writers and actors are unemployed and unemployment takes a tough mental toll leading to depression and suicide. We at Brushflicks are looking at solving this problem by generating opportunities and employment for people in this sector".

She spoke about the need to connect the folk artist in the remote areas through digital technology and preserve the heritage. Empower the traditional protagonists to prosper and attract youth of this generation to continue the legacy.

Talking about an initiative, Farheen said that, "we came up with an initiative that in turn was solving another major problem; that's the acrylic waste that survives in the environment for more than 3000 plus years. We convert this into beautiful acrylic items with IOT integrated technology".

Today this sub product of Brushflicks is segregated into entirely new company and sold on a different domain called boxifer.

Business benefit

Farheen told to us that "We work on dropshipping model where we don’t hold any inventory but act as aggregators connecting artists to buyers." It is interesting to note that as of now they are not charge any marketing fee or subscription fee, they work on marginal revenue.

Farheen was vocal in sharing the use of open source, frameworks, suppliers etc. She said "Most of the value is usually in to get people to use technology, not the technology in itself."

Finally what you learn from a start up is everything is on the line, at all times until you reach a certain level of funding.

Social and environmental benefit

In her conversation with artists, she realised the need for this platform. With her experience, she felt technology could play a key role in enhancing lives of people engaged in creative fields with the penetration of Internet. Those beginners (artists) in the field have a hard time not only enhancing their skills but also suffer at the hands of low job prospects in the area. Brushflicks provides innovative ways of using technology and Internet for creative purpose by (a) Encouraging skill development and connecting the learners with the expert in the field and (b) by connecting creative people to the right industries and buyers.

Also being an environmentalist she always wanted to do something creative with the plastic waste .


Farheen Sayed, Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information



North Goa, Goa, IN
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Brushflicks is a solution provider for two major problems in our country which is unemployment among the creative sector and acrylic waste management.
The main idea is to infuse creativity with technology and solve some major issues in our country with regard to waste management and skill development.
Brushflicks has over 1000+repeat clients and it works on a dropshipping model. In such a model they don’t hold any inventory but act as aggregators connecting artists to buyers . As of now Brushflicks does not charge any marketing fee or subscription fee but works on marginal revenue. Today the Sub product of Brushflicks is segregated into entirely new company and sold on a different domain called boxifer.