Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia

Batik Kultur Dea Valencia Grows Together with Human Resources

Dea Valencia


Martrifena Wiliasari

Martrifena Wiliasari


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities

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Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia change the perception of old fashion Indonesian Batik into modern and unique style. The uniqueness is not only because of the design, but also the process of the creation itself that is involving disabled people. By giving disabled people a chance to express their talents, the company also grows fast in the market.


The founder of Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia created a modern and unique style on her batik creation. Usually Batik relates with something from the past, or old fashioned. Dea Valencia wanted to change this perception. This unique design of Batik attracted many young people to wear it. She also used her knowledge as a graduate from the Information Systems Studies Program - Multimedia Nusantara University to market her products through the social media. Starting from Facebook and Instagram, she attracted more than 3000 customers across cities in Indonesia and other countries, by displaying her unique and original fashion products.

With her mission "giving back to the society", she gives a chance to disabled- people to grow together in her apparel company. Currently more than 50% of her employees are disabled people. By giving them a chance to worked with Batik Kultur, she gives them a chance to have a better life and be more optimistic in facing their future.

Batik Kultur Dea Valencia Grows Together with Human Resources


The founder of Batik Kultur Dea Valencia met her first disabled employee, Tumise, at the sewing supplies store. This lady was born without hands and legs. Dea observed her spirit to be independent, despite her limitation, and gave her a chance to work at Batik Kultur. Her first assignment was at the packaging department. Dea always motivates her to stay positive and never ever give up. After working for a few months at Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia, she introduced her friend, Sriwati to Dea. Sriwati was also born with abnormality of physical condition. She was then hired at this factory.

"I hope people can see them for their abilities rather than their disabilities. We should not discriminate any people with disabilities despite their physical conditions". Dea realize that this is a special call for her to lead these disabled people and give them hope to have a better life. And she decided not to give up for them. With their willingness to work hard, she believed that disabled people are able to be an independent, productive and confident human beings.

Throughout her time working with them, she’s able to see their optimism. Previously these disabled people was only thinking about how to survive and not becoming a burden for their family because of their physical condition, but today she is grateful to see these people living their life with full of hope.

Overall impact

The uniqueness and original Indonesian characteristic of Batik Culture by Dea Valencia attracted more than 3,000 customers in Indonesia and other countries such as USA, England, Japan, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and Netherlands. She builds the Batik Kultur Dea Valencia's image through online-marketing.

At the age of 20, she has become the youngest successful entrepreneur in Indonesia, and has won the Kick Andy Heroes Award in 2017. This award was presented as an appreciation for her action that gives tremendous impact for the society, especially people with disabilities.

Business benefit

Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia grows together with their disabled employees. Starting with only 3 employees and producing 20 pieces of Batik per month, today she has 85 employees that produce around 900 pieces per month. More than 50% of the employee are disabled people. The average revenue of her company raised to IDR 300 million per month. The local market is dominated by customers from Jakarta.

Besides original Batik, Dea Valencia also uses Tenun Ikat Jepara as a new fabric of her apparel. She bought the fabrics through the citizens in the Troso Village (the centre of Tenun Ikat). At the beginning, she bought only a few meters of Tenun Ikat a month. But today she can buy more than 400 meters of Tenun Ikat in a month.

The disabled workers also enjoy their work at Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia because they feel appreciated and accepted despite of their limited physical condition.

Social and environmental benefit

The journey of Batik Kultur Dea Valencia has changed the perceptions of many young people in Indonesia about Batik. Indonesian original batik is no longer an old fashioned apparel, but unique and modern. Batik evolved from a formal fashion which people often use for formal ceremony (eg wedding and national ceremony) into a fashion for everyone in any occasion.

By giving a chance for disabled people to be involved in her Batik creation, Batik Kultur Dea has change the negative stigma in the society about disabled people. The compassion given to these disabled people has changed their life from hopeless to hopeful about their future life.


Ninik, Head of Gallery Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia

Business information

Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia

Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia

Semarang, Central Java, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2011
Number of Employees: 51 to 200
Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia is an Indonesian original apparel retail company that creates a modern and unique Batik design that had change the perception of old fashion Batik. Batik Kultur by Dea Valencia sells their products through media social, like Facebook and Instagram. 95% of the sales comes from this channel.