Rescued Kitchen

Baking a Difference

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Ella Zwagerman

Ella Zwagerman


University of Otago

University of Otago


Joe Cooper

Joe Cooper

Global Goals

2. Zero Hunger 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Rescued Kitchen is a business that focuses on utilising surplus food and transforming it into new baked products and baking mixes. Their innovative approach towards upcycling surplus food into new products begins to address the global challenge of food waste.


Rescued Kitchen is a pioneer in combating food waste by upcycling surplus food into new, value-added products. Founded in March 2022 in New Zealand, Rescued Kitchen collaborates with various stakeholders across the food supply chain, including manufacturers, retailers, and charitable food redistributors. The company rescues surplus bread, produce, and even gin botanicals that would otherwise be discarded and transforms them into innovative ingredients and products like baking mixes, cakes, and crackers. Rescued Kitchen is a business that not only prevents edible food from ending up in landfills but also provides consumers with sustainable and delicious food products while reducing the environmental footprint associated with food waste.

By leveraging the concept of upcycling and using surplus food, Rescued Kitchen addresses multiple SDGs, primarily SDG 12, Responsible Consumption and Production. Through its innovation, the company promotes sustainable consumption patterns by repurposing and transforming surplus food into nutritious, saleable, and longer-shelf-life products, overall, they are contributing to the reduction of food waste along the supply chain. Further to this, Rescued Kitchen's efforts align with broader SDGs, including SDG 2, Zero Hunger, by ensuring that edible food reaches those in need instead of being discarded, and SDG 13, Climate Action, by mitigating greenhouse gas emissions associated with food waste decomposition in landfills.

Rescued Kitchen's innovative approach not only provides a tangible solution to the global challenge of food waste but also sets a precedent for circular economy practices within the food and beverage industry. Through its collaborative efforts and commitment to sustainability, Rescued Kitchen exemplifies how businesses can make a meaningful impact on both social and environmental fronts, contributing to a better world for present and future generations.

Baking a Difference


The inspiration behind Rescued Kitchen stemmed from Diane Stanbra's personal journey and the desire to address the pressing issue of food waste. Having lost her catering business due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Diane found herself at a crossroads, wondering what was next. Whilst in Australia she connected with businesses that were showcasing food producers and using surplus vegetables to make chutneys, this got her thinking about surplus food. The opportunity arose when Countdown kicked off a program in 2021 to get products on shelves from small food producers, with ‘Rescued food’ being on Stanbra's list of potential ventures it seemed like the perfect opportunity to work towards a new business. She recalls, "COVID happened, and I didn’t have a business, and then it was really a random series of coincidences that started Rescued” from here she connected with Royce who had a 'crazy brain for food science and a shared interest.'"

Collaborating with Royce who has a background as a chef, together they delved into the concept of upcycling surplus food, particularly focusing on bread, which is a major contributor to food waste. Initially they worked on a white bean dip with croutons but through this they discovered the complexities of a short shelf-life products. They went into months of research and development, they experimented with various approaches, and eventually landing on the idea of creating baking mixes from rescued bread. Dianne emphasized the importance of making food that tastes amazing but also spoke to the challenges they faced and the realization of the extent of the food waste problem, stating, "Prior to Rescued Kitchen I has no idea of the extent of the problem and the many challenges, once you become aware of it and see it you can’t unsee it”. This became a driver for both Diane and Royce, and focusing on bread waste, they described the complexities of turning bread into flour for products as “trying to unscramble eggs” but they got there, and the end product is truly amazing.

Overall impact

The impact of Rescued Kitchen's innovation extends beyond merely addressing food waste; it encompasses a fundamental shift in societal attitudes towards consumption and sustainability. By repurposing surplus food into premium-quality products, Rescued Kitchen challenges traditional notions of waste and fosters a more circular economy. Diane and her team have succeeded in changing people's thinking regarding food production and consumption. They encourage other food and beverage companies to consider the impact of their ingredients and production processes, inspiring a movement towards more sustainable practices. They have participated in XLabs connecting with large businesses and encouraging them to re-think how they are producing food. Diane emphasised the importance of taking small steps towards positive change, stating, "We need businesses to consider the ingredients they are using and where the impact is – even by looking at making a 1% change is a step in the right direction.”

In the short term, Rescued Kitchen's innovation has led to tangible outcomes such as the rescue and processing of over 50 tonnes of surplus bread, produce, and gin botanicals since its establishment in March 2022. This demonstrates the immediate impact of their efforts in diverting edible food from landfills and creating value-added products. In the long term, Rescued Kitchen's vision for a more sustainable food system, lies in their potential to influence industry practices on a much larger scale. As they continue to collaborate with manufacturers and raise awareness about food waste, they hope to contribute to a shift in consumer behavior towards more conscious consumption. The evidence of Rescued Kitchen's impact lies not only in the volume of surplus food rescued but also in the broader conversation it ignites about the role of businesses in promoting environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Business benefit

Because the business has been focused on utilising surplus food and giving it a new life from the beginning, Rescued has been able to build strategic partnerships, which has meant innovation has significantly benefited the business. Rescued Kitchen has experienced significant revenue growth, transitioning into scale-up mode, expanding its operations, and developing new relationships leading to additional business opportunities. They have been able to use a commercial kitchen to build their business and this has been sufficient for the company to continue meeting the current and growing demands while also driving innovation in the food industry. As a result of Rescued Kitchen’s success, they have been able to create new employment opportunities, employing five full-time and four part-time staff, with plans to recruit an additional full-time and part-time staff member.

Furthermore, Rescued Kitchen's commitment to sustainability and customer satisfaction has led to partnerships with large customers such as Montana Food Catering (a large catering company in New Zealand), Bidfood, Countdown, and an airline catering company. These partnerships have opened up new markets and built a loyal customer base, contributing to the company's revenue growth and market presence. Additional to this, Rescued Kitchen’s participation in initiatives like the Ellen MacArthur, Big Food Redesign Challenge showcases the companies ambition to drive positive change in the food industry and expand its reach both domestically and internationally.

Rescued Kitchen has taken a cautious approach to business development. Rescued Kitchen has not only achieved financial success but also fostered a collaborative work environment, that strives on innovation and sustainability. This strategic focus has positioned Rescued Kitchen as a leader in the sustainable food sector, where it will be able to continue to have a positive impact both for the business and the broader community.

Social and environmental benefit

Rescued Kitchen's innovation brings significant benefits to society and the environment by addressing the pressing issues of food waste and promoting sustainable consumption practices. Through taking surplus food and transforming it into new, value-added products, Rescued Kitchen is able to reduce the amount of edible food ending up in landfills, mitigating the environmental impact associated with food waste. By repurposing ingredients like surplus bread, produce, and gin botanicals into premium quality items such as baking mixes, cakes, and crackers, the company contributes to a more circular economy, where resources are used more efficiently, and waste is minimised.

The company’s efforts have a positive social impact, Rescued Kitchen's partnerships with growers, manufacturers, retailers, and charitable food redistributors foster collaboration across the food supply chain, promoting a collective effort to address food waste challenges. Through initiatives like the Ellen MacArthur Big Food Redesign Challenge and collaborations with customers, Rescued Kitchen inspires and supports others to adopt sustainable practices and contribute to a more resilient and equitable food system.

Overall, Rescued Kitchen's innovation not only benefits society by reducing food waste but also contributes to environmental sustainability through promoting resource efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Through its innovative approach to addressing food waste challenges, Rescued Kitchen demonstrates the potential for businesses to drive positive change and create a better future for both people and the planet.


Diane Stanbra, CEO

Business information

Rescued Kitchen

Rescued Kitchen

Auckland, NZ
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2022
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Rescued Kitchen is a New Zealand-based food manufacturing company that, amongst other surplus food preservation, transforms surplus bread into innovative baking mixes, addressing global food waste challenges. Founded by Diane Stanbra and Royce Boyd, Rescued utilizes traditional culinary techniques to create sustainable products from surplus food turning them into baking mixes and other delicious food and ingredients. With a focus on taste and sustainability, Rescued serves consumers who are prioritizing both quality and environmental responsibility.