Perkin Elmer

Analytical Instrumentation, A Greater Purpose

3419814 D 6026 4 C2 B 898 B 2 Bcc18 Aec52 A


Rylee Maxam

Rylee Maxam

Matthew Callahan

Matthew Callahan

cristina Bay

cristina Bay


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Perkin Elmer works toward three main SDG's, those being - good health and well being, industry, innovation and infrastructure, and partnerships for the goals. All three of these are goals that assist Perkin Elmer to bring innovative technologies together with application expertise to help scientists and clinicians address daunting scientific challenges.


One of this company's favorite phrases is "Changing The World For The Better." This follows right along with the UN SDG's. Specifically, this business values good health and well-being, industry innovation and infrastructure, and partnerships for the goals.

This organization is focused on the aftermarket of the analytical equipment in which they sell. Thus meaning that the business prioritizes the services that are provided using this analytical instrumentation. This company is on the mission to "innovate for a healthier world", and this can be seen through their dedication to their customers "good health and well-being."

This innovation emerged through customer needs. Once when one of the business’ engineers was preparing the instrumentation at a customer sight, there was a greater customer need at hand, but the customer lacked timely and efficient servicing. Therefore this business took over, and began to focus on the customer needs as well as the services they were providing, rather than just the equipment alone. The business refers to the "industry, innovation, and infrastructure" to make the world a better place.

Still today, this innovation helps serve an overall purpose, and helps simplify the process for laboratories across the U.S and world, for the services that they need within their lab for analytical equipment. Perkin Elmer is dedicated to the partnerships for the goals, in order to come together to create a healthier world.

Analytical Instrumentation, A Greater Purpose


"These products help simply the process for laboratories across the world so they can better achieve their goals as well as Perkin Elmer's. The inspiration came out of the needs of the customers, and the desire to fill those needs."

-David Callahan (Service and Product Manager)

Overall impact

The overall impact of the innovation that comes out of the company is the "aftermarket of the analytical equipment and the need for innovation in the services being provided to the customers that purchase the equipment." Technicians are the reason this company is thriving. There was a need for assistance with the equipment at hand and there was no way to get it out to the public in due time.

The services provided by Perkin Elmer range from laboratory, clinical testing, cord blood and cord tissue banking, and finally, research services. All four of these are both scientific and commercial enterprises that take a unique approach to understand each of their lab clients requirements. The innovation can range from the efficiency of the labs, to developing new ways to run clinical tests. Everything Perkin Elmer does is meant to innovate the most up to date technology for their clients.

Business benefit

Perkin Elmer works towards innovation through means of their product development and employee satisfaction. They look to benefit their business by keeping up with the most up-to-date technology for their clients as well as making sure their work place environment is career goal oriented.

Perkin Emler is known amongst its employees to create a customized development plan that fit each employee and allow them to achieve their career goals. They partner together with employees to provide services like on the job training, mentoring relationships, ongoing career development planning, company and external training programs, and opportunities for internal career mobility.

Inspiring leadership and a dynamic, innovative culture are just some of the perks you get while working for Perkin Elmer. They gain a lot of respect from employees because of their dedication and focus on employee development, engagement and wellness.

Social and environmental benefit

The innovation of Perkin Elmer benefits society through their research and development areas. They focus on target issues like animal health, cannabis analysis, drug discovery and development, food and agriculture, therapeutic areas and translational research.

Services are provided to ensure the best care towards equipment used in laboratory's, research towards the most up to date information and areas of focus. Perkin Elmer ensures that each of their strives towards innovation are meant to develop a more clean environment and better results. In the "drug discovery and development" program they compute biotherapeutic research that "allows researchers to explore new mechanisms for the treatment of a variety of conditions."

Its dedication to the environment and clients that use products of Perkin Elmer show how innovative the company is with current issues and problem solving.


David Callahan, Service and Product Manager

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

Perkin Elmer

Perkin Elmer

Waltham, MA, US
Year Founded: 1937
Number of Employees: 1001 to 5000

Perkin Elmer is a company founded on the mission to "innovate for a healthier world." Its team of over 11,000 people work to create products that impact diagnostic capabilities. They currently work in the areas of diagnostics, life sciences, and informatics. They have been involved in the development of 22 therapeutic drugs.