New Earth Trading OPC

An Eco-nic Innovation: Washable Paper Bags

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Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water

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Ms. Valerie Pineda has been at the forefront of sustainable products in the Philippines. She not only has one but TWO sustainable brands that cater to different markets. Ms Valerie stated, “Through my businesses, I am able to share my advocacy for a fashionable yet sustainable brand to help the everyday lives of Filipinos.”


Ms. Valerie also mentions, "With New Earth, I offer three main sustainable products: washable paper bags, compostable face masks, and insulated water bottles." New Earth's products are, to say the least – revolutionary! New Earth makes its bags from chemical-free natural fibers, giving them a unique paper-like texture and a sturdier foundation than regular tote bags. The bags feature two switchable handles for convenience, whether grocery shopping or carrying everyday items. Furthermore, the bags are OEKO-TEX regulated, ensuring the materials pass stringent testing for harmful chemicals.

An Eco-nic Innovation: Washable Paper Bags


In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ms. Valerie embarked on a determined quest to discover an eco-friendly alternative to single-use items. Acknowledging that her initial product, "Eco Boom," was a single-use biodegradable item, she deeply contemplated the question: "How can I create substitutes for everyday single-use items?" This introspection led her to envision baskets crafted from natural cellulose fiber derived from plant-based materials cultivated without contributing to deforestation.

Motivated by the burgeoning trend of home organization during the pandemic, Ms. Valerie randomly thought of an idea and seized a strategic opportunity, asking herself, "Why not use the same material from the baskets and transform it into paper bags?" Fueled by innovation, she visualized repurposing these baskets into versatile bags to replace the ubiquitous single-use paper bags commonly found in supermarkets, considering the trendy styles. The birth of New Earth bags emerged from this visionary thinking, providing a sustainable and practical solution to the prevailing environmental concerns associated with disposable items.

Ms. Valerie's foresight not only aligned with the evolving dynamics of home life but also addressed the urgent need for eco-conscious alternatives. The inception of New Earth bags represents a paradigm shift towards sustainable practices, demonstrating how thoughtful innovation can yield practical solutions to environmental challenges, particularly during times of crisis. As the pandemic heightened awareness of environmental issues, Ms. Valerie's commitment to creating New Earth bags illustrates how individuals can play a pivotal role in fostering positive change, sustainability, and resilience, contributing to a more eco-conscious and resilient future.

Overall impact

As the driving force behind New Earth, Ms. Valerie Pineda has innovated a washable paper bag solution that meets stylish consumer demands while advancing business sustainability in the Philippines. Her reusable packaging has had a profound impact, inspiring a major pastry chain to reduce waste and fostering a societal shift toward ethical alternatives that combat pollution. This success highlights the integration of innovation and ethical responsibility for profitable outcomes.

As she mentioned: "A famous pastry shop in the Philippines consulted with me to help them improve their packaging to become more customer-friendly yet generate less waste," leading to Ms. Pineda's consultation to enhance their customer experience through reduced waste. This collaboration showcases the short-term impact of her innovation, guiding established brands toward environmentally friendly practices. New Earth stands out as a beacon for conscientious commerce, prioritizing ethical considerations over financial gains.

Customers impressed by the bags' durability and biodegradability have flooded New Earth with gratitude, signaling a societal shift toward valuing ethics in purchasing choices. Ms. Pineda's invention addresses the demand for sturdy yet sustainable options and pioneers a change in social norms.

By intertwining societal consciousness, customer satisfaction, and business accountability, Ms. Pineda has created shared value. This approach motivates organizations to internalize environmentalism, renewing faith in businesses as agents of positive change. Through New Earth, Ms. Valerie Pineda has tangibly demonstrated how harmonizing ethics and economics manifests in products prioritizing people, planet, and profit equally, sending ripples of hope throughout the business world.

Business benefit

The washable paper bags propelled New Earth into creating more sustainable products to replace single-use items. Following their success, New Earth eagerly introduced reusable bottles, significantly expanding their sustainability commitment. Beyond products, strategic projects like “Bring Your Own Bottle” and “Bag Thursday” engaged audiences in embracing eco-habits.

These initiatives cultivated participation, fostering collective eco-consciousness. New Earth actively builds community around sustainable living, aligning with its mission of raising awareness and encouraging greener behaviors. Their success drives cultural shifts towards more mindful lifestyles.

Venturing into versatile bags and products rewarded New Earth financially and expanded its demographic appeal beyond mothers. The clientele grew exponentially as the product line diversified into different sizes and colors. Ms. Valerie Pineda shared, “Larger bags resonated with Titas (aunts) and older buyers. But smaller, colorful bags began capturing younger generations and even men.”

This diversification was not just a triumph in profits; it became a transformative force, exponentially increasing revenue. Suddenly, New Earth became connected to a broader market and a more extensive following. This strategic expansion not only bolstered their bottom line but also solidified their position as a brand with widespread appeal, resonating with various age groups and preferences.

Social and environmental benefit

In embracing washable bags, New Earth has formed a meaningful collaboration with skilled artisans from Tondo, recognizing shared commitments to fair wages and ethical working conditions (SDG 8). This partnership is particularly significant given the view of Tondo as an 'informal settlement' community in the Philippines, where residents face challenges related to the availability of regular and decent employment. By joining forces with this community, New Earth empowers, challenges stereotypes, and fosters economic growth in an often-overlooked area. This collaboration goes beyond business, reflecting a commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development. Through producing high-quality, eco-friendly products, New Earth not only addresses economic challenges but also plays a role in reshaping the narrative around marginalized communities, contributing to a more equitable and sustainable future.

The inventive bag design leverages unconventional fibers, catalyzing industry innovation that meets sustainability imperatives (SDG 9). This exemplifies how pursuing environmental responsibility drives the discovery of new approaches balancing functionality and green principles. While replacing everyday items, sustainability can initially inconvenience consumers. Brands like New Earth make responsible consumption more accessible for Filipinos (SDG 12). New Earth promotes eco-consciousness by developing reusable, durable alternatives to resource-intensive products like paper bags. Specifically, the bags reduce reliance on materials that deplete resources and slowly decompose, addressing climate concerns (SDG 13).

Additionally, utilizing renewable materials over plastics models sustainability for other businesses (SDG 14). This prevents plastic pollution from devastating marine life. New Earth also specifically advertises that her goal with her bags is to lessen plastic being thrown into the ocean. New Earth's website even shows statistics on the top ocean pollutants to make its customers aware of the impact they are contributing whenever they purchase a bag.

Overall, New Earth's proactive approach mitigates various environmental impacts, demonstrating a commitment to combating climate change by minimizing pollutants. Their solutions empower stakeholders across sectors to participate in stewardship.


Valerie Pineda, Owner

Photo of interviewee

Business information

New Earth Trading OPC

New Earth Trading OPC

Pasig City, Metro Manila, PH
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2021
Number of Employees: 2 to 10
New Earth is a business dedicated to providing Filipinos with innovative and sustainable products that encourage them to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle.