
Achieve, Receive, Repeat

Screenshot 2023 11 27 at 7 23 32 PM


Isabella Scoby

Isabella Scoby

Jasmine Byram

Jasmine Byram

Aaron Vos

Aaron Vos

Franco Justin Pavone

Franco Justin Pavone

Mishal Alharthy

Mishal Alharthy


Loyola Marymount University

Loyola Marymount University


Jeff Thies

Jeff Thies

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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SquidHaus has undertaken a noteworthy initiative aimed at "rewarding hard work" in the realm of fitness journeys. By offering a free item of clothing to consumers who size up or down during their fitness transformation, SquidHaus not only recognizes the efforts individuals put into their health but also aligns with key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Firstly, the company contributes to SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being by emphasizing the overall well-being of its customers. The initiative encourages individuals to pursue their physical and mental health goals, acknowledging the interconnected nature of both aspects in a fitness journey. Secondly, SquidHaus addresses SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. The brand's approach mitigates the environmental impact associated with clothing consumption by providing an extra garment based on documented physical changes.


SquidHaus's innovation in the fitness apparel industry is grounded in a unique business model and brand philosophy that intertwines customer fitness journeys with its product offerings. Central to this innovation is the "Transformation Promise Program," which allows customers to exchange clothing in response to changes in size resulting from their fitness progress. This unique program not only deepens the brand-customer relationship but also aligns with sustainable consumption practices, resonating with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) like Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3) and Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12).

Achieve, Receive, Repeat


Troy Defrees-Parrot and his cousin, Lukas Pakter, found inspiration to launch their own fitness brand, SquidHaus. As a fitness enthusiast and true entrepreneur, Troy, currently pursuing a major in Entrepreneurship at Loyola Marymount University in his senior year, laid the foundation for their venture.

In our interview with Defrees-Parrot, he mentioned his own passion for fitness and individual journey as being a major source of inspiration for launching a brand that encourages others to do the same.

Initially, the journey began with selling shorts to fellow students at their respective universities. However, their unique approach quickly captured the attention of the world, with some of the most prominent influencers in the fitness industry now proudly donning SquidHaus apparel.

SquidHaus distinguishes itself by aspiring to defy societal norms. Their website boldly declares their mission to "work extremely hard, be a good person, take risks, have fun, and fail often."

Defrees-Parrot explains, "This brand embodies the spirit of taking risks and shattering its glass ceiling by venturing into diverse products within the fitness space."

Overall impact

Since its inception in 2022, SquidHaus has remained committed to making a positive impact, especially in addressing the environmental challenges posed by the fashion industry. One significant issue that the industry deals with is the extensive use of Earth's water resources, accounting for almost a quarter of the annual water consumption. SquidHaus has strategically chosen to repurpose old attire, and this decision contributes significantly to the reduction of wasted water in the production process.

The water efficiency of repurposing old clothes becomes particularly evident when considering that it takes only 0.01% of the water compared to creating entirely new garments. By adopting this approach, SquidHaus not only minimizes its water footprint but also sets an example for sustainable practices within the fashion sector. This reduction in water usage aligns with broader global efforts to conserve water resources, especially in the face of increasing concerns about water scarcity and the environmental impact of excessive water consumption.

Moreover, SquidHaus's emphasis on repurposing clothes extends beyond water conservation. The fashion industry is notorious for contributing to the growing problem of textile waste in landfills. By choosing to repurpose old attire, SquidHaus actively addresses this issue, reducing the amount of textile waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. This not only mitigates environmental harm but also aligns with principles of circular economy, promoting the reuse of materials rather than their linear disposal.

Additionally, repurposing old clothes supports responsible consumption by diminishing the demand for new raw materials. This reduction in raw material usage has a cascading effect on environmental conservation, lowering pollution levels associated with industrial processes, including air and water pollution, as well as greenhouse gas emissions linked to the production of new textiles.

Business benefit

SquidHaus has a loyal customer base that continues to support the brand due to its commitment to customers' fitness goals and their health and well-being. When discussing business benefits, SquidHaus holds an advantage because it is proven that businesses enjoy a stronger brand identity when their customers have an emotional and social connection to the brand. Customers who achieve their fitness goals and decide to exchange their old shorts or shirts for new ones in a different size are interacting with the brand much more than with any other fitness clothing brand. This benefits SquidHaus, as customers are more likely to explore new colors or products in their new size, demonstrating a preference to spend their money with SquidHaus over a brand that does not reward them for their commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

Overall, SquidHaus's commitment to its customers' health and well-being is at the forefront of their customer loyalty. The fitness clothing industry is vast, with many competitors, but SquidHaus's unique approach has positioned it as a distinctive option for any fitness clothing shopper.

Social and environmental benefit

SquidHaus aims to provide social benefits by encouraging their customers to reach their fitness goals, regardless of size or ability. They also make an effort to establish a supportive and committed community amongst their customers, bringing people together who each have an individual fitness journey and who share common admiration for their products. In their advertising, they include a diverse range of models, incorporating a model with a prosthetic leg. This is a reminder of SquidHaus’ support of people of all sizes and abilities, and reinforces their “No Excuses” motto that helps keep their community engaged.

In an effort to benefit the environment, SquidHaus has taken recycling measures through the implementation of their SquidHaus promise. Encouraging customers to recycle their items and then responsibly donating any non-usable products makes the most of each individual product rather than focusing on overproduction and irresponsible disposal.


Troy Defrees-Parrot, Co-Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information



Los Angeles, US
Business Website: https://squidhaus.com/
Year Founded: 2022
Number of Employees: 2 to 10
SquidHaus is an activewear brand that is focused on creating a community of individuals vehemently dedicated to pursuing their fitness goals. They sell workout wear that both performs well and looks good.