Accessibility and the Pouring Purity of Sanitation


eric johnson

eric johnson

Edna Gahungu

Edna Gahungu

Aline Lamadrid

Aline Lamadrid

Raiza Calderon

Raiza Calderon

Endiah Taylor

Endiah Taylor


University of Guelph

University of Guelph

Dominican University

Dominican University

Universidad de Navarra

Universidad de Navarra


Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Yang Hoong

Yang Hoong

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Anjali Chaudhry

Anjali Chaudhry

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Global Goals

6. Clean Water and Sanitation 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

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CACH, S.A. is a leading company in Nicaragua, specializing in designing and building clean water and sanitation systems. With solid experience in this field, CACH S.A. has changed the rural world and urban communities by proposing sustainable solutions that ensure accessibility to clean water and adequate sanitation. Highlighting both innovation and efficiency through their custom-tailored solutions for the specific needs of each community, improving the health and happiness of both communities and individuals.


CACH, S.A. has taken the initiative to resolve Nicaragua’s water accessibility issue, through our interview we were able to speak to the CEO, Oscar Ulises Calderon Moreno, who walked us through their process for collecting data and creating projects for the public good. He states, “We use data-driven approaches to design and construct water and sanitation systems that maximize resource utilization and minimize the environmental impact.” However, CACH, S.A., goes beyond the construction of these imperative systems. CACH S.A. is also notoriously known for its involvement in the community through its educational learning programs that provide not only knowledge of water filtration and the importance of environmental sustainability but also a “capacity building program” that allows for more of their impact to be felt within the community. Their efforts in sustainability and innovation have been recognized on both a communal as well as a governmental stance, as they state, “Our cooperation with government and non-government partners, ensures a collective effort forward sustainable water supply and sanitation systems. Our innovations are not only technical but also social, designed to provide communities with the means to govern resources efficiently and maintain the longevity of the systems we deploy.”

Accessibility and the Pouring Purity of Sanitation


Through countless testimonials, CACH, S.A. has made an immense impact on the community. As their missions align with a large, company spread, sentiment for social responsibility, CEO Morena has reiterated that some of their greatest inspiration derives from, “ a significant social purpose, a passion for solving complex problems, a variety of disciplines involved, and the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of rural communities in Nicaragua.” The resilience and strength of character of these communities to improve their living conditions served as a powerful motivation for the firm. Accessibility to water on a global scale is an issue that not many have dared to address, yet CACH, S.A. takes a daring and innovative approach to commit to the U.N. The demand for water has outpaced population growth, and half of the world’s population experiences severe water scarcity at least one month a year. CACH, S.A. believes access to water, sanitation and hygiene is a human right. SDG goal 6, which calls for an increase in the number of communities in Nicaragua with access to clean water, access that should be available for every human being.

Overall impact

Within modern society, there has been a significant reduction in the clean water supply, with underdeveloped countries being some of the most impacted by such reduction, Nicaragua is one of them. As the country faced economic drawbacks throughout the years, a shortfall occurred when providing the rightful basic needs to their population, such as a clean water supply. While changes have been made, poor communities within Nicaragua have mostly been left out, as most of them cannot afford to make a difference in their current living situation. For this reason, CACH, S.A. has managed to make a lasting impact. With their innovation, they have significantly improved public health by ensuring access to clean water establishments. Moreover, the company has gone out of its way to make the effort to educate them on how to manage the water resources effectively, as well as create a sense of pride and adaptability within them, promoting a sustainable and positive social impact, through the empowerment of independent communities.

Furthermore, with their ever-growing commitment to environmental conservation, the company's innovation has additionally showcased a worthwhile impact on the ecosystems of local communities and the overall health of the environment. Within Nicaragua, we see the impact through the immediate amelioration in the health and hygiene of the public, as communities experience a remarkable depletion in several water and sanitation-related diseases. Moreover, these communities have experienced heightened access to funding for renewable energy sources and an increase in community education. Due to the lack of schooling available for children, most of them are needed to help their families or communities to collect water or look for freshwater resources. After the establishment of innovative water supply systems, there has been an increase in the number of children showing up to school, more specifically among girls, which contributes to a lifelong impact on their way of living. These are all positive impacts that not only benefit the profitability of CACH, S.A., but the longevity of the communities of Nicaragua as well.

Business benefit

Looking forward to future initiatives and sustainable goals that CACH, S.A. has planned, it is clear that they are actively looking for new ways to ensure the community surrounding them benefits from their sustainable business practices. A quote from the CEO reads, “Our plan for the future includes harnessing technology for improved monitoring, exploring innovative financing models, and deepening our community engagement efforts.” Being at the forefront of water sanitation education within Nicaragua, CACH, S.A. plans on continuing with its goals to ensure that everyone in Nicaragua has access to clean water no matter their socio-economic status.

Their vision is a world where every community enjoys improved health, well-being, and environmental sustainability through our initiatives. As the company continues to grow, the communities that they work in should grow as well. To be a sustainable and responsible company is to ensure that the people and environment surrounding you are positively affected by how business is conducted. The health of the Nicaraguan community is a top priority, striving to achieve the goal that one day, every community has access to clean drinking water and has the education and mentorship to sustainably keep the measures in place for generations to come—not only within Nicaragua but worldwide as well. We believe that the initiatives taken by CACH, S.A. have the potential to be highly scalable for all parts of the world where water is not a readily available resource. As CACH, S.A.'s story continues to grow, so will its impactful mission. Their work with local governments and communities ensures that these implementations are sustainable, not just for the present day but for the future. For this reason, the scalability of their innovation will be endless.

Social and environmental benefit

Through a positive entrepreneurial mindset, CACH, S.A. has created a profitable business that gives back to the community while providing innovative solutions. The implementation of their business practices provides a vast array of benefits both for the business as well as for society. Some of these include the cost-effectiveness of the project- using renewable energy and reducing waste leads to long-term cost savings. With an improved business reputation, through their commitment to sustainability, they attract more socially conscious customers, partners, and like-minded individuals who strive to make the world a better place, which leads to increased business opportunities. Furthermore, they can improve public health by ensuring that communities have access to clean water and sanitation facilities, reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases. Not only that, they are proactive in environmental conservation, through their environmentally friendly technology, they minimize resource consumption and reduce pollution, habitat disruption, and water scarcity, which in turn benefits the environment. Most importantly, they empower communities. Through education and community engagement, CACH, S.A. equips local people with knowledge and skills to sustainably manage water and sanitation resources, promoting their ability to self-sufficiency and resilience.


Mr. Oscar Ulices Calderon Moreno, CEO

Business information



Business Website: https://cach SA
Year Founded: 1998
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

CACH, S.A. is a leading company in Nicaragua, specializing in designing and building clean water and sanitation systems. With solid experience in this field, CACH S.A. has changed the rural world and urban communities by proposing sustainable solutions that ensure accessibility to clean water and adequate sanitation. Highlighting both innovation and efficiency through their custom-tailored solutions for the specific needs of each community, improving the health and happiness of both communities and individuals.