Abeja Reyna

Abeja Reyna


Carolina Pérez Velázquez

Carolina Pérez Velázquez

Karla Fernanda Tejeda Lugo

Karla Fernanda Tejeda Lugo


TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)

TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)


Lizbeth Rivas Mirafuentes

Lizbeth Rivas Mirafuentes

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities 15. Life on Land

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Powdered honey, a totally innovative product that was designed to solve a problem detected by its consumers.

Make products based on natural ingredients.


Powdered honey is their greatest innovation, thus creating a totally new and practical product. They realized the opportunity that existed by covering a new need when they detected that honey did not dissolve as quickly in drinks such as tea. We know that pure honey is usually a little thicker. With this, they managed to grow their market segment.

This product is currently one of the best positioned within its portfolio due to its characteristics because it is convenient and functional since it does not spill. In the process, it preserves the same properties and nutrients as honey in its natural presentation.

It is made from selected and dehydrated bee honey in a high technology food process that preserves the nutritional properties of natural bee honey. It is a source of minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which, together with ascorbic acid, help you feel the energy all day.

Abeja Reyna


The company began as a family business founded in 1987 by Doña Elba, where she built her first Apiary. By the 90's they were already suppliers to large industries such as Heinz and Broncolín.

By 2006, this sector suffered a price-related crisis, and beekeepers began to lose their income source. With this background, in 2014, Luis Valentino Ramírez (son of Doña Elba) and his brothers decided to found Abeja Reyna in a garage to commercialize high-quality products through sustainable innovation, enhancing values ​​such as respect for the environment and that the conception of their products is 100% natural, in addition to that in their processes they seek the conservation of beekeeping and the conservation of bees in our country.
Another important value for Abeja Reyna is the family. It is a traditional family business, trust, and innovation since they are focused on applying new ideas and creations.
In 2018 Abeja Reyna had a growth of 1,250%; thus, in 2019, they opened a foundation to help beekeepers and strengthen their expansion within the country.
In 2020 and despite the pandemic, they have grown even more thanks to new consumer habits that have strengthened e-commerce and social networks. They currently have a trademark registration in 3 countries: Mexico, the United States, and Guatemala, although they have also received orders in Dubai for their star product, powdered honey.

Overall impact

Abeja Reyna seeks to positively impact and work together with beekeepers, which allows them to transform 300 tons of honey per year. Within their business model, circular ecology has been encouraged. They have a refilling system and encourage their consumers to reuse packaging since they have a philosophy of conscience with the environment and the planet.

It is noteworthy that Abeja Reyna has toy libraries so that interested people can learn more about bees and their world.

Business benefit

Abeja Reyna has constantly worked so that its customers have the best quality products without sacrificing their values ​​and their essence. He has created fantastic and profitable products, allowing you to generate significant income and have a profitable and scalable business model.

Abeja Reyna focuses its efforts on local support, promoting vulnerable sectors, and generating strategic win-win relationships that strengthen its ecosystem and positively impact its environment; they have contributed to promoting young people. For example, they detected that some young people began to work as bicycle delivery people, so Abeja Reyna decided to ally with them. Their local deliveries are made through this method, which supports this sector, and the delivery process does not harm the environment.

Social and environmental benefit

Abeja Reyna aims to create a positive impact. It has done so based on its products, its service, and the quality it offers, in addition to being very clear about what it wants for its clients, its workers, and for the world.

It has carried out social and environmental contributions, highlighting that it keeps almost 90 million bees alive in our country alone. Their collection, protection, and distribution chain processes manage a commitment to environmental care, which is why they have implemented strategies such as refilling products to prevent people from generating more garbage. In this way, their customers have the option of going to refill their containers with the same product. In addition to that, they obtain a discount for contributing, which also generates loyalty programs. When making shipments, they take care of their products from blows with a totally natural material that dissolves when in contact with water instead of using the typical fingers or plastic balls. They have reduced the use of plastics in the packaging of products, replacing them with glass.
Abeja Reyna focuses on making a social impact and supporting vulnerable sectors, constantly seeking benefits for its employees, collaborators, and society in general. Its employees are extremely proud of belonging to this work team because they know that they are committed to their work to social and environmental well-being, thus adopting Abeja Reyna's values.


Luis Enrique Rodríguez Pérez, Lic. Marketing.

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Business information

Abeja Reyna

Abeja Reyna

Calle Labrador 1581, Providencia 4ta sección, Jalisco, MX
Business Website: https://www.abejareyna.mx/
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 51 to 200
To be a company of Mexican pride thanks to the recognition of our products made from honey and to have a benchmark for sustainable innovation that is appreciated throughout the world.