Gilded Cage Boutique

A Sustainable & One of a Kind Shopping Experience


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Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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The Gilded Cage showcase handmade pieces made by local artisans using sustainable techniques. Knowing everything about who made the product, how they made it and what they made it from is what it's like to shop at this innovative boutique.


Sustainability has always been the focal point of The Gilded Cage's business model. For Sandra Stephenson, it wasn't just important for her boutique to operate this way, it was essential. She seeks out local artists and artisans who are using sustainable production methods and showcases their one of a kind pieces in Gilded Cage. Her goal was not only to market the beautiful work being done by locals, but to deliver the product through a shopping experience that few other retail firms can rival.

The Gilded Cage's decision to source sustainably made products contributes to the 12th UN Sustainable Development Goal, of Responsible Production and Consumption. She gets in touch with artisans and gives them a chance to reach a larger audience through her store. Part of the profits from sales also go to a charitable cause of the artist's choice. Gilded Cage offers a breadth of goods ranging from gorgeous necklaces handmade from recycled materials to natural soaps with scents and themes specific to Guelph. Many of the products come with a short biography of the artist or artisan who made it and why it is important to them. If it doesn't, Sandra will happily inform customers about the origin of what they are about to buy so they can be proud of their purchase.

A Sustainable & One of a Kind Shopping Experience


Sandra's inspiration stems from her desire to deliver a first-class shopping experience. It was important for her to have a positive influence on the world while selling high-quality products. Furthermore, she helps each individual client feel satisfied when they come in and find a sustainable product in her store that meets their needs. This is important to her personally as she enjoys connecting with her customers and making their day better.

“When anyone comes in and they feel better when they leave that to me is the best part of the job…. I have beautiful products that are doing some good,” says Sandra. She does this by getting to know each customer personally and providing personalized service experience where she is able to explain the origins and the story behind each product for sale in Gilded Cage. She focuses on providing an experience and not just a product. One can look forward to visiting her store and learning about the sustainable artisans and there creations, and hopefully leave with a meaningful product that has a backstory.

Overall impact

It is difficult to measure the impact she has made on the community since it is a relatively young business still. The most tangible impact is evident in the shopping experience she brings to all her customers and to the opportunities she provides for all her suppliers.

In the long term, the impact would be to connect the buyer more directly to her suppliers through drop shipping. With an easy to use online portal, it would be simple for customers to browse products and learn about them from the source, then have that product arrive at their front door. All this while showcasing more and more local, sustainable goods.

Business benefit

Buying from sustainable producers has a great impact on her business. Her whole business model is based around connecting the buyer to the producer. She can relate the product back to its source and explain the benefits, which adds to the buyer's experience.

What makes her store special is that customers are able to learn about how the product was made. If they were mere cheap factory-made items with minimal labour costs, the user would not feel as connected to the product and would not feel as though it were special. This is not what Sandra wants, as her goal is to provide every shopper with the best experience possible and provide them with quality, sustainably-made products. She has seen results: many of her new customers were recommended by their friends after they shopped at the store and enjoyed the experience, the product, and agreed with what she stands for.

Social and environmental benefit

Gilded Cage's innovation provides good-quality, sustainable jobs for people in different regions around the world. Whether its buying from a local producer in Hamilton or from a small, growing business in Africa, she makes sure they meet her standards with regards to sustainability. If she sees a producer and believes in their message, she will buy from them and continue doing so, helping them grow. By supporting these smaller businesses, she is avoiding factories that use a lot of machinery and pollute the environment.


Sandra Stephenson, Business Owner

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Gilded Cage Boutique

Gilded Cage Boutique

Guelph, Ontario, CA
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 2 to 10
The Gilded Cage Boutique delivers a shopping experience like no other. Sourcing the finest goods from local makers in a wide variety of products. Whether it is a handmade necklace or organic soap, the Gilded Cage is doing well by doing good.