
A Greener Refreshment


Tom Scheltema

Tom Scheltema

Isa Jonkers

Isa Jonkers

sterre verhoeven

sterre verhoeven


Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)


Riccardo Torelli

Riccardo Torelli

Global Goals

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Embark on a visionary journey with Refresco, a global powerhouse in beverage packaging, as they lead the charge in sustainable industrialization and innovation, aligning their mission with the principles of Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9). This narrative unfolds the remarkable tale of how Refresco's unwavering commitment to cutting-edge technologies is not only reshaping the industry but is also championing responsible consumption and production practices in harmony with the aspirations of SDG 12.


At the heart of this transformative journey lies Refresco's groundbreaking innovation, a beacon of sustainable industrialization. The innovation revolves around a meticulous blend of continuous research and the implementation of cutting-edge technologies. Through these initiatives, Refresco strives not just to meet but exceed the benchmarks set by SDG 9, minimizing environmental impact, optimizing resource utilization, and fostering responsible waste management practices.

The genesis of this innovation is rooted in a relentless effort to contribute meaningfully to SDG 9. Refresco's visionary approach to sustainable industrialization and innovation propelled them to explore and adopt advanced technologies, sculpting the landscape of their production practices to align seamlessly with the goals of SDGs 9 and 12.

A dedicated team at Refresco stands at the forefront of this revolutionary innovation. Engaging in extensive research, these passionate individuals played a pivotal role in shaping and implementing the innovation. Their efforts spanned adapting production techniques and exploring innovative solutions, all under the guiding principles of sustainable development and the dual focus of SDGs 9 and 12.

Beyond the technicalities, Refresco's innovation is a testament to a profound sense of mission. It is a purpose-driven endeavor that resonates with the core principles of sustainable industrialization and innovation. Their commitment reflects a broader purpose — contributing to responsible consumption and production practices, encapsulating the very essence of SDG 12.

In the words of a Refresco spokesperson, "Our innovation is a testament to our commitment to sustainable industrialization and innovation. We aim to set a new standard for the industry, promoting responsible practices that align with global sustainability goals." This quote encapsulates the driving force behind Refresco's journey — a journey that transcends business success and embraces a higher purpose, aligning with the global mission for a sustainable future.

As we delve deeper into the narrative of Refresco's innovation, we witness a transformative force at play — an industry leader not only embracing change but pioneering a movement towards a more sustainable and responsible future, echoing the aspirations of SDG 9 and 12.

A Greener Refreshment


The genesis of Refresco's groundbreaking innovation can be traced back to a pivotal moment when the company recognized the pressing environmental challenges within the beverage packaging industry. Fueled by a commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9), they embarked on a transformative journey to create innovative solutions that addressed industry challenges and aligned seamlessly with the principles of responsible consumption and production practices outlined in SDG 12.

The motivation behind this innovation runs deep within Refresco's ethos. Driven by a profound commitment to being a responsible global player, Refresco set out to contribute meaningfully to the global goals of SDGs 9 and 12. Their motivation extended beyond mere compliance; it aimed to set an entirely new industry standard emphasizing fostering sustainable industrialization and innovation as integral components of their corporate identity.

Reflecting on the inspiration that fueled this remarkable journey, the Refresco Innovation Team members shared insights. "Our inspiration came from recognizing the urgent need for sustainable industrialization. We wanted to be pioneers, promoting innovation that aligns with global goals for responsible consumption and production," articulated a team member. This sentiment encapsulates the driving force behind Refresco's innovation — a profound acknowledgment of the urgency to reshape industry practices in alignment with global sustainability objectives.

In this narrative of purpose-driven innovation, Refresco emerges as an industry leader and a trailblazer in pursuing a sustainable future. Their commitment to responsible practices, inspired by the urgent call for sustainable industrialization, positions them at the forefront of change, echoing the principles of SDGs 9 and 12. As we delve into the details of their journey, it becomes evident that the inspiration, motivation, and commitment woven into Refresco's innovation form a compelling narrative of responsible business practices and a vision for a more sustainable world.

Overall impact

Refresco's innovative strides in sustainable industrialization have ushered in a multitude of impacts, touching upon the business landscape, society, and the environment in profound ways. The significance of this innovation is underscored by its ability to align business practices with the ambitious goals of Sustainable Development Goal 9 (SDG 9).

The innovation has been transformative from a business perspective, significantly elevating Refresco's standing in the market. By incorporating sustainable industrialization goals into its operational framework, the company has attracted a new wave of environmentally conscious consumers, positively influenced its brand image, and expanded its market share. This strategic shift towards responsible practices has proven to be a catalyst for success in a market increasingly prioritizing sustainability.

Regarding societal impact, Refresco's innovation has sparked a noteworthy change in consumer behavior. With a commitment to responsible production practices in line with SDG 12, Refresco has influenced consumers to opt for sustainable choices. This ripple effect has extended beyond their consumer base, inspiring other industry players to adopt similar practices, fostering a culture of responsible consumption, and contributing to the broader goals of SDG 12.

The environmental impact of Refresco's innovation is tangible and far-reaching. The company has substantially reduced its ecological footprint through waste recovery initiatives and adopting energy-efficient production methods. The dedication to eco-friendly packaging technologies aligns seamlessly with SDG 9, contributing to a more sustainable beverage industry. This commitment to environmental stewardship extends beyond mere rhetoric, as Refresco actively champions practices supporting global goals for responsible consumption and production.

In the short term, the effects of this innovation are evident in increased brand loyalty and a positive shift in consumer perception. However, in the long term, Refresco's innovation leaves an enduring mark. Becoming a benchmark for sustainable business practices in the beverage packaging sector, the company has become a beacon of inspiration for others in the industry, contributing significantly to global goals for responsible consumption and production.

Concrete evidence supporting these impacts is robust. Positive consumer feedback, reflected in increased market share, bears testament to the resonance of Refresco's sustainability initiatives. Furthermore, environmental metrics, such as reduced waste and energy consumption, provide quantitative evidence of the innovation's tangible ecological impact.

As a Refresco Environmental Impact Analyst articulated, "Our commitment goes beyond profit margins. The concrete reduction in waste and energy consumption speaks volumes about our real impact on the environment and aligning with SDGs 9 and 12." This sentiment encapsulates the essence of Refresco's innovation. This holistic commitment transcends business success, leaving an enduring legacy of positive change in business, society, and the environment.

Business benefit

Refresco's innovation significantly boosted its business by attracting a new segment of environmentally conscious consumers. The alignment with sustainable practices enhanced their brand image, increasing market share and profitability.

Social and environmental benefit

Refresco's innovation transformed its business and influenced societal norms by promoting responsible consumer choices. The environmental benefits include reduced waste, energy efficiency, and a shift towards eco-friendly packaging solutions, supporting global goals for responsible consumption and production outlined in SDG 12 and sustainable industrialization in line with SDG 9. The company's commitment to recovering 100% of its waste further underscores its dedication to societal and environmental well-being.


Didi Jonkers, QA Advisor

Business information



Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, NL
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1960
Number of Employees: 10000+

The Refresco Group is the world's largest independent bottler of soft drinks and fruit juices. We do this together with more than 10,000 employees at more than 60 production locations in 12 countries. In addition to the efficiency of our bottling processes, we offer total supply chain solutions, from planning and sourcing raw materials and packaging to storage and transportation. Refresco Benelux is the Business Unit where production takes place for leading retailers in the Netherlands and Belgium and national and international A-brands.